EASI Field References
EASI Reference Documents
Commonly required codes and references used in the EASI Standard files.
Payment Terms Field - Notes
Sales Requirements Field - Notes
Shipment Method of Payment - Notes
Duns Numbers (last revised May 3, 2007)
Standard Layout File Reference Codes
Codes found in the EASI Standard layout files.
Required / Optional
C Conditional Field is dependent on other fields and may or may not be filled.
O Optional Field is optional, filling preferred.
R Required Field must be filled.
AN Alpha-Numeric Default: Include leading zero/s
DT Date Default: CCYYMMDD
ID Identification Code Default: Include leading zero/s
N Number Default: No leading zero/s, no commas, may include decimals
TM Time Default: HHMMSS (24 hour clock)
Field Size
# / # Min/Max Length First value is miminum length of field, second value is maximum.
Domestic Parcel Carrier Codes
Codes to instruct the shipper which parcel carrier and service level to use.
UPS Services
03 Standard Ground
15 Next Day Air - Early AM
01 Next Day Air
13 Next Day Air Saver
07 2nd Day Air AM delivery
02 2nd Day Air
12 3rd Day Air
41 Next Day Air Early AM Delivery - Saturday Delivery
44 Next Day Air - Saturday Delivery
FedEx Services
92 Fed Ex Ground
06 Fed Ex First Overnight
01 FedExPriority Overnight
05 FedEx Standard Overnight
03 Fed Ex 2nd Day
20 FedEx Express Saver
90 Fed Ex Home Delivery
Service Delivery Code Notes:
Use the UPS codes as a default.
The service delivery code must be formated as a text field and not as a numeric field. Some of the codes have a leading zero that will be dropped if you make the field numeric.
FOB Terms
Who pays the freight and change of ownership of the merchandise.
Shipment Method of Payment Codes
CC Collect (COL) Freight charges paid by recipient. Freight charges billed to the recipient by the freight carrier.
DF Define by the buyer and seller.
FO FOB port of call. Ownership of goods changes to the buyer when it leaves the dock. Buyer takes legal responsibility. May be used with imports at port of call or port of entry.
CF Collect, Freight charges paid by recipient, and credited back to customer by the mill.
PB Customer Pickup so there are no freight charges.
PC Prepaid by shipper but charged to the customer. Mill pays the shipper and charges the freight costs back to the customer on the invoice.
PP Prepaid by shipper (mill), and the mill absorbs the freight costs. There are no freight charges to the buyer.
TP Third party billing often used in conjunction with drop shipments to XYZ.
Drop Shipments to XYZ:
Use code CC when the merchandise goes directly from the mill to XYZ, and the common carrier bills XYZ.
Use code PP when the merchandise goes directly from the mill to XYZ, and there are no freight charges to the customer.
Use code PB when the merchandise goes directly from the mill to XYZ, and the customer picks up the merchandise. There are no freight charges.
Use TP – To indicate third party billing which in most cases, the distributor will be charged the freight costs by the carrier for a drop shipment that goes to XYZ company.
Shipment Method of Payment Code Notes:
There can be only one Shipment Payment Method per purchase order.