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Member Compliance

Who's compliant with what?


The compliance matrix was created to gather pertinent Trading Partner compliance information. The matrix is populated by the responses received from the EASI Compliance Status Forms.


The file communicates valuable Trading Partner information and enables the analysis of the Group's compliance state. It is also used to identify critical needs and guides the Technical Committee's decision making.


A new addition to the Compliance Matrix is the Compliance Rating found at the bottom of the main matrix page. This provides a general compliance score for each EASI Member.


The EASI Compliance Matrix is made up of three main components:


  • The Main Page shows all contributing member's compliance status by Standard. It also contains the standard's current version, transition version, and the sunset date for all versions prior to the transition version.

  • EASI Member Compliance Information - including what standards they have in production, plans for future compliance, communication methods and contact information

  • A help section composed of compliance status form instructions and example.








Please submit all compliance changes/updates to


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