We have over 10 years of experience manufacturing women's, men's and youth clothing for the leading retailers in the world and this expertise has been the platform for the Bella line.
In producing for these top retailers we had to meet the highest and most stringent of quality standards. In creating Bella, we applied these strict guidelines to our product line. We wanted only the softest yarns, the highest standards of sewing construction, the longest wearability and most importantly, the best fit.
This dedication to quality, consistency and striving to be best has led us to become the #1 supplier of ladies clothing in our industry.
Bella EASI News
11/11/13 (Jon): We are now compliant with version 3 of the Routing Envelope. All files after Nov 2013 will use v3.0.
6/20/13 (Jon): We have corrected an issue with our 856 v5.0 to accomodate ASN's for 940's. The 856 v5.0 now includes the first parcel carrier tracking number of the shipment.
3/13/12 (Jon): We are now compliant with version 5.0 of the 856 ASN Standard. If you're able to receive this version please let me know and we'll make the switch.
9/30/11 (Jon): We are planning our move to version 7.0 of the 832 PDD Standard. Should have them in place by November.
8/15/11 (Jon): 2012 GTINs are now available. Please contact your customer service representative for a list, and be sure to provide us your item number cross reference file so we can load your item numbers and include them in your PDD's.
8/31/10 (Jon): Bella has integrated 997 Functional Acknowledgements into our backend systems. This will enable us to receive notifications when files we send are not acknowledged. If you haven't yet been set up to receive our 997's please let me know. And we want them from you too!
2/18/10 (Jon): Bella is now compliant with version 1.0 of the 940 Drop Ship Purchase Order Standard.
11/18/09 (Jon): Bella is now compliant with version 1.0 of the 870 Order Status Standard. Please contact me using the below email link to get set up to receive these incredibly time-saving files.
10/21/09 (Jon): We've fixed an issue with our 810 Invoices. We are not longer including zero-shipped invoice lines (lines where the shipped qty = 0). If you're not set up to receive 810 invoices from us please contact me!
03/25/08 (Jon): We're now compliant with version 5.0 of the 832 PDD Standard. If you're able to receive this new version please let me know and we'll make the switch from version 1.0.
03/25/08 (Jon): We're now compliant with verson 1.0 of the 846 Inventory Status file. If you'd like to receive these from us please shoot me an email.